Over the last fifty years, we have evolved from a congregation with a rabbi, religious school, and dues to a free, member-run havurah, where adults and children together participate in services and activities. We meet monthly in members' homes for Friday night Shabbat services, preceded by a pot-luck meal. The services are participatory and informal, combining traditional, Reform and new-age prayers and melodies. Our user-friendly, trans-denominational prayerbook, Siddur Chaverim Kol Yisrael, was compiled by our teacher and advisor Mark Frydenberg, and offers prayers transliterated (for those who don’t read Hebrew), as well as the original Hebrew, English translations, and supplemental poems. We sing a lot, sometimes with guitar accompaniment! Our Jewish New Year begins with a catered Erev Rosh Hashanah dinner, and brief service. After Rosh Hashanah morning services, which we attend at Hillel, we have a pot-luck lunch and tashlich ceremony, when we cast our sins (disguised as breadcrumbs) into a nearby body of water. Yom Kippur services conclude with a reading of the Book of Jonah, Havdalah, and a post-holiday break-fast. We have an annual Hanukkah latke party in conjunction with B'nai Israel of Willimantic, Connecticut. Other holidays like Sukkot and Lag B'Omer are celebrated at members' homes, the latter complete with bonfire. This year, we held a Passover seder with our members participating through Zoom. Throughout the academic year, we offer a series of adult study sessions led by local rabbis and members. These lively discussions show us how ancient texts remain relevant today. A bagels and lox brunch follows the study sessions, with more discussion and schmoozing. We also offer a book club, an annual picnic, and a movie/pizza night series featuring Israeli films. We welcome newcomers warmly! For further information or to put yourself on our e-mail list, please send a message with name, address, phone, and e-mail contact to BethElMansfield